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Statement of Faith

The following comprises the Scriptural beliefs of this Corporation, its directors, and its members.

2.01 EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Believing that God has given parents the mandate to rear children according
to the truths of God’s Word (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Ephesians 6:4), the philosophy of SRCS is that education begins
in the home and is advanced in the Christian school as an extension of parental authority and participation.
Christian education involves testing and integrating knowledge according to a biblically-based world view
(Colossians 1:16-17; John 1:3). Thus, God’s word is infused into every aspect of the school program.

SRCS partners with parents in educating students for lives of fellowship with God and service to others based on
the inspired Word of God (Psalm 78:4; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). The Christian teacher, empowered by the Holy Spirit,
guides and nurtures students through instruction, admonition, and personal example and seeks to encourage the
spiritual development of students in their academic, social, and personal growth (Colossians 1:28: Proverbs 1:7)
SRCS desires to provide excellence in the quality of education offered to children so that they can impact the
world for Christ and bring glory to God.

The Word of God is SRCS’ governing document and authority for all matters of faith and practice. SRCS, members,
Directors, administrators, faculty, and staff believe the following Core Doctrines:

1. Scripture [2 PET 1:16-21; 2 TIM. 3:16,17; JN 15:26,27, 16:12,13; IS 40:8]
a. The Bible is inerrant and infallible, the verbally, plenary-inspired Word of God. It has absolute
authority as God’s settled and final Word.
b. God has totally preserved His Word in full authority and power.
c. The interpretation of the Bible is by reliance upon the Holy Spirit, who inspired it, and by using
normal, literal, historical, cultural, exegetical and contextual methods of interpretation.
d. The Word of God is a divinely-ordered and accurate record, by which God directs mankind,
according to His purposes.

2. Godhead [DT 6:4-6; EX 3:14; JN 8:58]
a. There is one God, eternally existent as a Trinity--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
b. The Trinity is co-eternal in Person; co-identical in nature; co-equal in power and glory; and have the
same attributes, authority and perfection.
c. Known eternally by His multitude of names in Scripture, He is God above all other gods of this
d. God is sovereign, holy, immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
e. God is the creator, sustainer, and ultimate ruler of the universe.

3. Christ [JN 1:1-14; 1 COR 15:12-28; REV 19:11-16]
a. The eternal Son of God enfleshed Himself, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born
of a virgin, exactly as prophesied.
b. He is perfect in person, fully God and fully man, with no earthly father.
c. He lived a sinless life, and died as the payment for the sins of mankind.
d. His death was efficacious, vicarious, substitutionary, sacrificial and totally satisfying to Holy God.
e. His physical and literal resurrection from the dead secured believers’ justification by His
appearance before the Father, where He is now interceding for all believers as their great High
f. His literal and physical second coming will occur in the last days and is imminent. He will come to
set up His millennial kingdom.

4. Holy Spirit [JN 14:15-17; 15:21-27; 16:7-11; 1 COR 12:1-31]

a. The Spirit of God convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
b. He has an intercessory work in believers’ prayers, and an indwelling, sanctifying work in believers’
hearts, from salvation on and forever.
c. He is a teacher and perfect guide to eternal truth.
d. He spiritually baptizes new believers into the Body of Christ, sealing their salvation for eternity.
e. He comforts and spiritually strengthens believers, gifting them with what is necessary to accomplish
His will. These spiritual gifts are given for the orderly edification of believers, especially within the
local church.

5. Sin [GEN 3:1-6; PS 14:1-7; JN 6:44; ROM 3:9-20, 10:13-17; REV 21:8; 1 COR 15:21,22]
a. Though man is created in the image of God, mankind was rendered lost at the Fall of Adam and
b. Men and women are personally separated from God, from conception.
c. Due to mankind’s depravity, people are unable to save themselves, nor can they come to salvation,
unless the Father draws them, the Spirit convicts them, and the Word of God shows them.
d. Unregenerate mankind is separated from God, condemned to eternal, conscious punishment, first
in Hell, and then in the Lake of Fire.

6. Salvation [JN 3:1-21; EPH 2:1-10; JER 31:31-37]
a. Salvation is by grace through faith in the substitutionary atonement and finished work of Christ,
which includes His bodily resurrection and ascension into Heaven.
b. Salvation is eternally secure, being sealed by the Holy Spirit.
c. Jesus completely fulfilled the New Covenant, having shed His blood as the payment for sin,
whereby God makes believers His own people, and becomes their God.

7. The Church [MT 28:19,20; Acts 1:8-2:47, 6:1-7 and 13:1,2]
a. The universal church is a spiritual body of all believers--purchased, founded, and blessed by Christ.
In Scripture it is called Christ’s Body.
b. It is visibly represented by New Testament local churches, which are organized bodies of believers,
practicing Biblical ordinances
c. Local churches are to be places of spiritual gathering for worship, Bible teaching, evangelism,
discipleship, and edification. They are to carry out the Great Commission locally and globally, by
promoting church-planting and other missions outreaches in the world.

8. Eternity [JN 5:25-29; 1 TH 4:14-18; 2 TH 1:7-9; REV 20]
a. There will be a bodily resurrection of all mankind--the righteous to eternal life with the Lord; the
unrighteous to eternal death/separation from the Lord.
b. Existence in either place will be literal, eternal and conscious.
c. Believers who die are ushered immediately into the presence of the Lord, where in conscious
blessedness they await the resurrection.
d. At the resurrection, believers’ bodies will be reunited with soul and spirit, forever to be with the
Lord, existing in an everlasting body in the New Heaven and new Earth.
e. Unbelievers who die are confined to Hell, then resurrected to stand before the Lord at the Great
White Throne Judgment. They will then be cast into the Lake of Fire, to be eternally separated from
the presence of the Lord and suffering conscious torment and punishment.

9. Satan [GEN 3:1-15; IS 14:12-15; EZ 28:11-19; EPH 2:2; REV 20:7-10]
a. A created angelic being who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, along with his host
of fallen angels who also rebelled.
b. Being the author of sin, he is the evil one who introduced temptation and evil onto the Earth, which
led to the fall of the human race.
c. He is the enemy of God and man, a wicked deceiver.
d. He will be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire, along with his host of fallen angels and all

10. Creation [GEN 1,2; JOB 38-41; ROM 1:19,20; EX 20:11]

a. The verbal, fiat, perfect, and literal action of God to bring into existence all that is material and
b. His creation was instantaneous, being accomplished in six days.
c. The Creator has revealed His divine attributes through His creative activity.

The Word of God is SRCS’s governing document and authority for all matters of faith and practice. This
Corporation, its directors, and its members hold to the following positions regarding the topics listed below:

1. Separation [ROM 12:1,2; 1 COR. 5,6; 2 COR. 6; 2 PET 2; JUDE]
a. Believers are to be separated unto the Lord, which presupposes Biblical separation, plus clear,
Christian distinctiveness.
b. We are to humbly hold to Biblical doctrines and practices, maintaining personal purity and
ecclesiastical separation from people, organizations and movements that do not hold orthodox
Christian beliefs.
c. This separation intrinsically involves Biblically exposing false teaching, plus warning those involved
in these movements.

2. Human Sexuality [GEN 2:20-25; 19:5,13; 26:8-9; LEV 18:1-30; ROM 1:26-29; 7:2; 1 COR 5:1- 6; 22,23;
EPH 5:1 TH 4:1-8; HEB 13:4]

a. Sexual intimacy between one man [husband] and one woman [wife], united in a Christian
marriage/covenant relationship, has always been God’s only plan for humans and His gift to all
b. Any other form or practice of sexual intimacy [homosexuality, lesbianism, bi-sexuality, bestiality,
incest, fornication, adultery and pornography] is immoral before God, being a clear perversion of
His plan.
c. God disapproves of and forbids physically altering one’s gender by either surgery or change of
outward appearance to a different sex.

3. Value of Human Life [JOB 3:16; PS 51:5; 139:14-16; IS 44:24- 49:1; JER 1:5- 20:15-18; LK 1:44] [EX
20:13; 23:7; MT. 5:21; ACTS 17:28]

a. Life is a gift from God and must be respected from conception to grave. Human life begins at
b. The intentional taking of any innocent human life is immoral and is murder; including but not limited
to abortion and euthanasia.

4. Civil Government [ROM 13:1-7; EPH 5:22-24; HEB 13:17; 1 PET 2:13-14]
a. We believe that God has ordained and created all authority consisting of three basic institutions: 1)
the home, 2) the church, and 3) the state. Every person is subject to these authorities, but all
(including the authorities themselves) are answerable to God and governed by His Word.
b. God has given each institution specific Biblical responsibilities and balanced those responsibilities
with the understanding that no institution has the right to infringe upon the other. The home, the
church, and the state are equal and sovereign in their respective Biblically assigned spheres of
responsibility under God.

5. Lawsuits Between Believers [1 COR 6:1-8; EPH 4:31-32]

a. We believe that Christians are prohibited from bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or the
corporation to resolve personal disputes.
b. We believe the church possesses all the resources necessary to resolve personal disputes
between members. We do believe, however, that a Christian may seek compensation for injuries
from another Christian’s insurance company as long as the claim is pursued without malice or

6. Ideologies / Movements
a. Due to quickly evolving cultures, many movements, trends, personality cults, and other groups rise
quickly, often re-named. The following are contrary to SRCS’ Christian faith position as stated
i. Theological Liberalism: denying cardinal doctrines of the faith; use of Higher Criticism; a
demythologizing approach to Scripture embracing human reason over Divine Revelation.
ii. Ecumenism: organizational unity of churches and religious organizations, without regard for
Biblical Truth. Unity is achieved by joining theological liberals and peoples of other faiths, for
ministry outreaches.
iii. Radical Charismatics: churches that major on the Prosperity Gospel; Spiritism; extra-Biblical
revelations and healing ministry.

The Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all
that we believe. We do believe, however, that the foregoing Statement of Faith accurately represents the
teaching of the Bible and, therefore, is binding upon all members. All literature used in the corporation shall be in
complete agreement with the Statement of Faith.

All persons serving with SRCS are required to signify in writing that they affirm their agreement with the above
Statement of Faith. Such agreement is signified by signing the most recent approved version of Articles of
Agreement upon joining the organization and for members of the corporation and employees, annually at the
beginning of each year of service.

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